In their review of Dean Blunt’s ‘The Redeemer’ – which they later named their Top Album Of 2013 – FACT called Blunt “the premier art prankster of our time,” while acknowledging his earnestness; Tiny Mix Tapes, who would give the album the #2 spot in their Best Of The Year rankings, praised the work for its liberating “short-circuiting of the boundaries of taste and instilled critical response,” while speaking of the album’s near-paradoxical emotional depth.•Blunt’s newest odyssey, ‘Black Metal’, rides this tension between critical detachment and mainlined human feeling and in fact he climbs ever-steeper theoretical heights just as his emotionally stark songs become, at times, startlingly intimate.•A true multi-media vanguard, Blunt employs original instrumentation along with elements of pastiche and his unique vocal performances to create songs and recordings that are not only beautiful but also tie into his larger project that incorporates music, visual art and the written word to play with identity, cultural signifiers and artistic agency.