It’s the quiet ones we should watch, they always say. Which is particularly astute advice right now, when loud, constant self-declaration and saturated “brand” visibility have become the norm. But above the babble and brightness, some voices will always speak quiet volumes – with calm eloquence and the kind of certitude that comes from valuing the playing out, not just the prize.Conceived as the natural third part in an acoustic trilogy, Vestiges & Claws is a(nother) hushed and delicate solo set that forefronts the artist and guitarist’s compellingly intimate vocal style and intricate playing technique, but it’s often strikingly rhythmic in nature and cohere’s perfectly, with hand claps and taps on the body of his instrument underlining the songs’ mantric rise-and-fall pattern, while elsewhere, over-dubbed guitar parts and multi-tracked vocal harmonies entwine to sweetly immersive effect.